Tuesday 29 March 2011


Here's a silly Youtube clip, I love this one because I have a weird sense of humour.

I've used Youtube loads, but the clip below was actually one of the first useful things I found on it, as opposed to music videos, and silly stuff like the clip above.
Last year when I was learning to crochet, I used to look up youtube all the time to figure out new stitches.It was infinitely more helpful than any amount of drawings and diagrams in books.

The positives of Youtube are that it's really easy to navigate and search.  It's great if you are learning anything new, be it photo enhancing software like photoshop, or even something as trivial as how to apply hair extensions.  It is great for looking up archive footage and during the election there were some great spoof videos of the main candidates to be found on the site.
It is also useful for uploading family videos for relatives abroad, and it has really good privacy settings, whereby only people you 'invite' to see your film can view it.
On the negative side, there is an inordinate amount of junk on the site, but you don't have to look at it.
Obviously for our own website, we could add little 'how to do' video clips of how to renew books, make reservations etc,  This is currently underway.

1 comment:

  1. Well there ya go - I didn't know you could use Youtube in a private way. Now I feel silly. But I've also learned something new. Hooray!
