Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Podcast - Film review of The Guard

So I've finally got back on track with the remaining 'Things'.
I listened to some of the library podcasts and choose to do a film review for my own podcast, simply because I went to the cinema last week, and the film was fresh in my head.
There are no words for the embarasement of listening back to your own voice.  I have not heard a self recording in years and I never realised I had such a pronounced lisp, cringe!
I downloaded Audacity but had problems saving the file, and somehow corrupted it in the process, after much messing about(and I'll admit it a little help from my hubby) I uploaded it to Podbean.
I'm sure with a little more patience I would have figured it out myself but patience is a virtue ............ and in my defense I am conscious of how far behind I've fallen so am panicking somewhat.  Silly I know!
In spite of the cringe factor, I actually enjoyed the process.
As regards practical application of podcasts in our library, we could feature some on our blog.  And it would be a welcome feature to the youtube clips we do for online tutorials but more on that in the next 'Thing'.

The Guard Film Review


  1. Well done Newkid! I don't think anyone likes the sound of their own voice, but you're great. Like you, I enjoyed doing this as well, I think once you get over the initial trepidation and you have fully prepared your script you can relax into it! Congrats

  2. Thanks Anon, glad to have one new 'Thing' covered, and it was fun :)
